Becoming a Better Leader | Stepshift - Part 9

Leadership Blogs - Becoming a Better Leader

Leader as Coach

Posted in: Developing Leadership Influence, Coaching Your People | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Perhaps the greatest asset that most organisations have is their people.  This people asset often holds the key to their competitive advantage because as people potential is realised, their improved performance drives business success.  So how do you realise people potential – one proven way is to develop your leaders as coaches.


Coaching for Results

Posted in: Becoming a Better Leader, Becoming a Better Leader Through Executive Development, Executive Coaching | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Key reasons why coaching can deliver more impact for managers and leaders than other interventions, are that it is totally focused on the coachee and it works in the context of their leadership role rather than outside it.


How to Select a Coach

Posted in: Becoming a Better Leader, Becoming a Better Leader Through Executive Development, Executive Coaching | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

When it is time to select yourself a coach there are a few questions to consider that will ensure you make the best selection.  There are obviously coaches in different fields – this blog focuses on choosing a leadership executive or business coach. Ask yourself these questions:


Executive Coaches – Could I benefit?

Posted in: Becoming a Better Leader, Becoming a Better Leader Through Executive Development, Executive Coaching | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Executive Coaches are not for everyone. Business leaders and managers have times when they want to take a significant step in their leadership or career. This may involve for example achieving more success or traction in your role or with your business, getting more from your people or preparing for or stepping into a more…


Principles for Motivation – Key Values and Priorities

Posted in: Developing Leadership Influence, Recapture Your Motivation and Drive | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

If motivation of self or others will assist you in your role, read on. When you as a leader are clear on your work values, you can find ways to deliver against those values then you will find you are a lot happier and have more motivation in your work. Are you clear on what drives you, on…


Authentic Leadership for CEO’s

Posted in: Building Emotional Intelligence EQ | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

How CEOs can achieve the leadership fulfillment and success.   You aspired to be top dog in the organisation, you have achieved that success and yet somehow you do not feel…. well, successful.  Irrespective of whether you have a great quarter or a mediocre one, there’s something missing…. your mojo is not there like it…


Inspirational Leadership

Posted in: Various, Want to take your leadership to the next level?, Leading During Change or Transition | Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Improving your ability to provide inspirational leadership can lead to more success for senior business executives and their organisations.   You could argue that the most important attribute of a leader is their ability to inspire others.  Successful leaders are able to mobilise and motivate people inside and outside their organisation, to deliver the organisation’s…


Improving Leadership Performance

Posted in: Becoming a Better Leader | Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Improving your leadership often involves more than developing new skills or behaviours.   Improving leadership performance often focuses on improving capabilities and behaviours.  This may range from impacting areas of interpersonal capability right through to technical areas such as the leader’s ability to read a balance sheet.


Appreciative Inquiry & Leadership and Executive Coaching

Posted in: Developing Leadership Influence, Coaching Your People | Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Appreciative Inquiry is now a commonly accepted practice in the evaluation of organizational development strategy and implementation of organizational effectiveness tactics. It is also used extensively as a basis for Leadership and Executive Coaching and for Leadership Team Development in major companies, SMEs and government.


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