Leadership Blogs - Trusted Sounding Board
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board |
Monday, January 27th, 2025
Free Leadership Article Secrets of Successful Business Leaders Key tools and insights from business experts. Drawing on their own expertise and personal experience, the goal of a business mentor is to develop a supportive and encouraging professional relationship with the view of assisting in the continual growth, development, and success of the mentee. Mentors are…
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board, Executive Coaching, Leadership Consulting |
Thursday, April 24th, 2014
At its core, working with an executive coach is just like building any other interpersonal relationship in your life. You need to have trust, reliability and of course, it helps if you just really “click”. In particular, it is important with an executive coach to ensure the chemistry is right and that their background, skills…
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board, Recapture Your Motivation and Drive |
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
Work life balance is an unusual term in many ways. It seems to imply that work and life are on the opposite ends of a tipping scale and that improvements in one must be at the expense of the other. A Harvard Business Review article suggests that you don’t have to make trade-offs among life’s domains. Expert leadership coach Lynn Humphrey considers the concept of work life balance and whether you really can have it all.
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board |
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
At times when CEO’s want to improve their leadership performance, most benefit from having a relationship with someone they can use as a sounding board, someone they trust and someone who will be prepared to challenge their thinking when appropriate.
Posted in: Want to take your leadership to the next level?, Trusted Sounding Board |
Monday, November 1st, 2010
The most effective leaders are those who can flexibly use a range of leadership styles when appropriate. Effective leaders are aware that when dealing with different types of people and situations, using only their dominant style may not always get the best results.
Posted in: Want to take your leadership to the next level?, Trusted Sounding Board |
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Research shows that self-awareness from a leader is a key factor in their success. Obtaining honest feedback on your own leadership performance is critical to developing this self-awareness, but obtaining that feedback can be a challenge for leaders and those reporting to them.
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board |
Thursday, September 16th, 2010
When CEOs are leading significant change, transition or improvement in their business, isolation can be detrimental to their leadership performance. Leading a business during this period is more challenging and stressful than at any other time.
Posted in: Trusted Sounding Board, Recapture Your Motivation and Drive |
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009
Professional advice on effective stress management for leaders, from Lynn Humphrey, leadership coaching expert at Stepshift.
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Critical results through enhanced leadership