CEO Isolation: Leaders Benefit From Having Support | Stepshift

CEO Isolation: Leaders Benefit From Having Support

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

When CEOs are leading significant change, transition or improvement in their business, isolation can be detrimental to their leadership performance. Leading a business during this period is more challenging and stressful than at any other time.

When the CEO has someone that will listen without any agenda, someone who they can use as a sounding board, someone who feels comfortable challenging their thinking, they have a relationship that can pay huge dividends during these periods, when leadership performance is absolutely critical.

CEOs who are leading significant change or improvement and who have been suffering from isolation should identify whom they can use in this type of relationship. This may in some cases be a board member, an external peer or an executive coach.

Ensure you find someone who is independent, someone you can be totally open with, someone you trust and respect. Agree a framework for your relationship, the objectives you want to achieve and how frequently you will meet. Typically this type of relationship could be expected to provide most benefit over a period of six months or so.

Being CEO during periods of change provides key leadership challenges and opportunities. Getting beyond isolation is important if you are able to overcome these challenges and realise the opportunities that will deliver the business results you are seeking.

Contact us to deal with CEO Leadership Isolation or return to the Stepshift Leadership Blog for more business advice.

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