Are You Getting Effective Feedback on Your Leadership Performance? | Stepshift

Are You Getting Effective Feedback on Your Leadership Performance?

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Research shows that self-awareness of a leader is a key factor in the success of their organisation. Obtaining honest feedback on your own leadership performance is critical to developing self-awareness. Yet obtaining that feedback can be a challenge for a leader and those reporting to them.

If you are in a leadership position you are at significant risk of contracting ‘CEO disease’. Do you ever experience these symptoms?

  • A sense of isolation
  • Wondering just how well you are doing, how you can improve and how to find out
  • A feeling that things could be better and unsure where to start

The term CEO disease was first coined by John Byrne in 1991 to describe the information vacuum around a leader as people withhold important feedback from them. The causes of this lack of feedback are dealt with in our article Feedback on Leadership Performance – A Critical Success Factor.

A key part of our leadership coaching process is the Stepshift Gap Analysis, which is specifically designed to obtain feedback on the performance of our executive clients. Furthermore our coaching processes encourage the ongoing solicitation of feedback by our client and (most importantly) the creation of an environment where the executive is given feedback openly and honestly by people throughout their organisation. With such information and feedback the leader is in a much better position to improve their performance for the benefit of their organsiation and their people.

Contact us to get the leadership performance feedback you need or return to the Stepshift Leadership Blog for more business advice.

Related Posts:
Feedback on Leadership Performance – A Critical Success Factor

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