Key Steps in Leadership Mentoring Programmes | Stepshift

Key Steps in Leadership Mentoring Programmes

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

When leaders and executives are ready to achieve a step shift in their leadership or performance, effective executive coaching and mentoring can provide the catalyst. There are some fundamental steps that are essential in any effective leadership mentoring programme. The Stepshift leadership coaching and mentoring programme involves:

  • Assessment and Gap Analysis – Clarifying where the client is now and where they would like to be. We identify baseline data, review existing business data, and gain input from the client and selected individuals.
  • Outcomes Procedure – A comprehensive process to establish compelling and measurable outcomes for the coaching and mentoring programme. This process also involves establishing time frames and measurements for leadership success.
  • Coaching & Mentoring – Involves regular coaching sessions to work on the achievement of leadership outcomes and any other challenges or opportunities raised by the client from time to time.
  • Measurement and Feedback – The mentoring engagement is completed with measurement identifying progress based on leadership development, new behaviour and commercial results.

When you are ready to experience the benefits of a leadership mentoring programme go to our executive coaching page or return to the blog categories page.

Related articles:
Benefits of Executive Mentoring

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