Assessing Leadership Coaching | Stepshift

Assessing Your Readiness For Leadership Coaching

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

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Leadership or executive coaching is a powerful process that can deliver outstanding personal development and organisational outcomes. The best outcomes are achieved when there is a strong combination of organisational and personal commitment to the process and both the organisation and the leader demonstrate readiness to fully engage in the process.

In our successful coaching interventions we notice there are a number of common factors in our individual executive coaching clients that indicate their readiness to step up. Where these factors are present there is a high chance of a successful leadership coaching relationship. Note that all factors do not have to be present to achieve success. Our leadership coaching can specifically focus on factors that may prevent personal success. Nevertheless the checklist below is a great starting point to assess your personal readiness for coaching success. Spend some time reflecting on these questions to assess your readiness:

  • Do I have a genuine desire to stretch and change?
  • Am I ready to try new concepts and experiment with different ways of doing things?
  • Do I value collaboration, and am I ready to ask for help when I need it?
  • Am I disciplined about following through on commitments?
  • Am I candid and open in my relationships?
  • Am I open to candid feedback from my colleagues and others?
  • Am I ready to discuss my coaching journey with others?
  • Am I ready to invest the necessary time and focus in leadership coaching?
  • Will I make coaching an important priority for at least six months?
  • Is this the right time for me to be doing this?

When you have assessed your readiness and are prepared to embark on a leadership coaching relationship get in touch with us to see how we can help.



Lynn Humphrey is a Partner at Stepshift, helping New Zealand business leaders to get the best from themselves and the people they lead through executive coaching, leadership development and business consulting.

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