Executive Coaching New Zealand | Stepshift

Executive Coaching

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Stepshift’s executive coaching empowers our clients to achieve critical results through enhanced leadership.

When leaders want to deliver superior results they need to give attention to the quality and impact of their leadership.   

We provide confidential executive coaching to deliver significant new results for leaders in a new or existing role. The focus is on identifying and working on those areas that will make the most impactful and sustainable change – see our proven executive coaching methodology.

The areas we work on are tailored to our client’s needs and can include:

As highly experienced executive coaches and business people we are pragmatic and results focused. We encourage open honest discussion and we are comfortable to challenge where necessary. We provide structured yet flexible support to improve leadership insights, behaviours and strategies.

Examples of when our executive coaching is valuable

  1. Transition: Support and guidance through a change of role.
  2. “Upping my game”: Building leadership capability to improve results.
  3. Sounding board: Confidential support to keep you operating at your best. .
  4. Team leadership: Developing strong team leadership skills. 
  5. Change environment: Leading skilfully in an environment of business change. 

We are 100% committed to ensuring you succeed. Contact us to discuss your requirements.