Strategic Planning with an Independent Facilitator
Reap the benefits of an independent facilitator as you build and implement your strategy
If you want to build and grow a competitive and sustainable business you need a clear and engaging vision and strategy. Formulating and getting buy-in to these can be challenging. Involving your senior team is necessary to build alignment and accountability around implementation.
If your business or business unit currently lacks any of the following:
- A clear longer term vision
- A purpose (mission) understood by all
- Defined strategies, objectives and accountabilities linked to the above
your people are missing vital context for their day-to-day work. Some of the symptoms of this include:
- Disagreement on priorities
- A tendency for team members to get diverted by “bright, shiny” opportunities and immediate urgencies
- More focus on functional areas, less on strategic areas such as retaining a competitive edge
We, in our role as an independent and objective facilitator of your strategic planning process, can:
- Keep discussions at the right level
- Encourage involvement and buy-in
- Ask valuable questions and raise challenging issues
- Use a clear, agreed process and keep everyone on track
- Leave you free to fully participate in the process
- Provide post-strategic planning support for implementation
Make a start – meet us for a coffee with added value…
We back ourselves to deliver value as a facilitator to you and your business. Meet us for an hour over a coffee and we will be happy to discuss your strategic planning requirements on a completely confidential, no-obligation basis.