Executive Team Development | Stepshift

Executive Team Development

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Executive team performance is critical to the ability of an organisation to drive results and execute the company strategy in a sustainable way. Therefore coaching and developing your executive team is vital.

It is critical that, at this level, the executive team members are each committed to achieving the organisational results and not just those of their own divisions or functions.  Frequently leaders are faced with silo type behaviour that threatens the ability of the executive team to operate at its most effective level.

As a team comprises a group of individuals, the dynamic and effectiveness of the team will be highly dependant on the way the individuals in the team relate with one another.  If there is a fundamental dysfunction in the executive team performance, such as a low level of trust or openness between team members, the ability of the team to perform at a highly effective level is seriously reduced and executive team development can make a difference.

Equally, if a top performing executive team is aware of what drives its positive team dynamic and performance, measures can be taken to ensure this is protected even when some team members leave and new team members join.

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