Importance of Motivation: Are you Really Satisfied? | Stepshift

Importance of Motivation: Are you Really Satisfied?

Monday, January 24th, 2011

For a leader, a sense that you are losing your mojo or motivation can be very scary. Being highly motivated at work is enormously satisfying and productive. Take a moment and think of a time when you felt a high sense of motivation at work, even if only for a short period of time. Most people report a sense of energy, clarity and excitement at being driven by something that feels right to them. It could be the excitement of working in an organisation with passionate leadership and real opportunities. It could be building a business you believe in. It could simply be working with a great group of like-minded people.

Highly motivated business people are generally driven towards something rewarding, such as achievement or status, or by avoiding something negative, such as failure. Their confidence that they are on the right track, and the vision they have for achieving (or avoiding) something of real importance to them, is enough to keep them motivated through the ups and downs of business life. They may have an occasional day when levels of enthusiasm are low, but in general they see setbacks as obstacles to overcome rather than something to wallow in. Their thoughts are generally focused on a bigger picture and their motivation remains high.

However, many people struggle to sustain high levels of motivation. Even very successful and well rewarded people can lose their drive and energy, and find it difficult to kick-start their motivational engine. From the outside it looks as if they have it all, yet inside they feel a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction which impacts their motivation.

Effective leadership or executive coaching can assist leaders to boost or regain their motivation, leading to improved performance and job satisfaction.

Contact us to improve or regain your motivation or return to the Stepshift Leadership Blog for more business advice.

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