Business Coaching – Using a coach to get more from yourself and your business
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009
When you are running a business or business unit, perhaps the biggest challenge you face is the challenge of isolation. This is OK when it’s business as usual, but when you are seeking to significantly change, turnaround or grow your business, having someone to challenge you, support you and act as a sounding board, can be invaluable. Business coaching is one proven solution.
When you have a lot on your plate, from appointments, to tasks, to emails, business coaching can provide the structure and relationship that allows you to clarify and achieve your biggest goals.
Business coaching can help you to clarify where you and your business are now, where you want to be, and how you can best get there despite a high workload, and perhaps a degree of stress. Coaching assists you by providing focus and support which will increase your clarity, and often your confidence, in delivering the results that are most important.
The simple questions that will determine whether it is worth you exploring business coaching at this time is this. You already have a sense of what your most critical business priority is. When you think about this, do you feel you are making significant progress towards achieving that? If the answer is yes, I would suggest business coaching may not be for you; if the answer is no, I recommend you explore the possibility.
To learn more about how coaching may benefit you, visit Stepshift’s executive coaching page or return to the blog categories page.